Mick being a protective uncle. (Anna O’Sullivan)
One day when Anna was driving home to Pine (and looking forward to the usual warm welcome from Sue and Mick at Wedderburn - lunch followed by chocolate cake or scones with tea) Out of Kyneton I noticed a young bloke in a dodgy Japanese 2 door (similar to Sue's yellow scorpion) kept overtaking me and then slowing down so I needed to overtake him. This went on for at least an hour - by which time it was a bit spooky and I was glad I didn't need to stop for petrol or go to the toilet.
When I approached Wedders I was confident he would continue on to Mildura as turned off to the Caravan park - but he followed me!! Heart beating by this time I turned into the caravan park - past the horse on the corner – and turned into Sue and Mick's house he was still there albeit 200 metres behind. With my heart in my mouth I got out of the car and walked towards the side door - hoping like hell it was open and all were home! Relief to see Sue in the kitchen and Mick on the couch with the Saturday papers (Australian of course - not The Age). I told Sue what had happened and Mick suddenly jumped up and said "he followed you into the park?" and then quicker than Steven McQueen leapt into his car (the same one which he drag raced with Luke at Pine) and raced off in a cloud of dust to follow the car!! Sue and I kept chatting and suddenly thought - what on earth is Mick going to do when he catches him! Mick came back 20 mins or so later and said he burned out of town and caught up with the guys flashing his lights and tooting the horn! The guy pulled over and Mick asked him what the hell he was playing at - they guy said he was just trying to have fun on a boring drive to Mildura. Mick accepted his comments and came home ...2 mins later his blood boiling again - he regretted not having hassled the guy further - so jumped on his ham radio (another quirk!) and told every truck driver along the route to look out for the 2 door.
Who knows what happened to the guy - but it shows you can always rely on
Mick to look out for you!